Perth Strathtay Harriers – 7pm Groups

We are delighted to confirm a safe return to GDAA track from Tuesday 1/9/20. This is in accordance with the rules set by the local authority. Please check with your own coach for further details.

  • Entry/Exit via the NICC gate only
  • NO ACCESS is permitted via any Perth Grammar school gate/car park (THIS IS A MAJOR CHANGE)
  • Parents are asked to drop off / collect young people from outside the NICC Gate AND FOLLOW CURRENT SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES
  • Please take time to read our club risk assessment, this contains very important information about how we will operate and more importantly keep our athletes and volunteers safe:
  • Follow your group test and protect guidelines.
  • No access to GDAA storage containers
  • No access to stand😫
  • No access to toilets 😱.

Reduced nightly charges during this time will be:

7pm to 8.30pm (Tuesday / Thursday) – £2.

Please help the club by placing the correct money in the container at the NICC gate as you enter.

Please keep checking with your coach and on club social media as things can change almost immediately.

Finally, thank you for continuing to support our club during these difficult times. Stay safe everyone.

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